Social entrepreneurship is not about money, nor about risk taking. It is all about passions and dreams. It is for those, who have a mission in their heart and want to bring about transformation in society. Text books say that there should be a business plan, there should be plan for marketing, finance, production and human resource management and then the entrepreneur should contact funding agencies to start some social institution or organisation. However, cases like Dr. Rathore demonstrate that all it requires is a mission and the zeal to achieve that mission. Adversities, social problems and social issues create a fertile ground for social entrepreneurs, who do not wait for funding agencies or venture capitalists to start. They see the issues and just start. Their actions speak and they are able to get a team with them, who also share similar mindset. This is a dream that Dr. Rathore had, to establish a school for the poor. The process adopted by Dr. Rathore is not copied from any text book, but based on ground work and innovations which spontaneously emerge from the field work. It is for the children from those families are very - very poor. Located in Shiv Colony (Bikaner) where mostly labourers and daily wage earners have settled down. Most of the people in the area are illiterate and belong to lower class. The other nearby areas are: Ambedkar colony, Harizan Basti, Shiv Bari. In an area, where most of the residents are illiterate, Dr. N.S. Rathore made a pioneering effort by starting a school. It is not just a school, but a mission for Dr. Rathore. He believes that education is the most powerful tool in the hands of poor persons to change their destiny. He is determined to see his dreams come true. He is passionate for this and goes from home to home to collect his students.